WebSBA.com-Property Management

The  WebSBA® Application Package  Is a complete Business Management Application that includes all Accounting functions used by retailing and Manufacturing entities.  It is based on the basic concept of Purchasing Inventory products (that are identified by product names and or numbers) from Vendors for sale to customers.  It thus, among all accounting functions, provides for the maintenance of inventory items and the insurance of Sales Orders and Invoices.  Since the Application is a general accounting application it incorporate the terms Customers and products as used in the retail and manufacturing industry.

The application has been used by Property Management entities that associate the terms Tenants to Customers and Rents to Products. In their view, Tenements are the customers (specifically identified by their name and addresses) and rents are the Products (specific identified as units of service offered by the rental unit).   The invoices in a rental environment containing rents are paid by the Tenants (customers) by cash, check or by ZELLE payment.

To procedure of recoding a tenant Invoice payment is done in two steps, as it is done to account for any Invoice payment. The procedure is narrated bellow in two steps. 

1. The First Step
Identify the payment and relate it to the specific invoice. To perform this task the operator clicks on the Customers section of the Main Menu and selects  the  Receive Payment   link that invokes the following screen.

Invoice Search & Selection

Use this form to search for Invoices.



Search Term

Data Type





If the operator know the invoke number

  At the presence if the above screen, if the operator knows the Invoice number he/she enters it in the input field under under Search Term and clicks on New Search The program will return the same Invoice Search & Selection screen bellow with the invoice related date displayed as entered and and 0 under the Amount Paid At this point the operator clicks on box under Select a new double entry transaction screen wil return to allow for completing the tranaction
(If the operator does not have the exact number of the invoice he/she can click on the arrow next to InvoiceID to search for it by customer name). the operator is ready to receive the payment

Invoice Search & Selection

Use this form to search for Invoices.



Search Term

Data Type







Invoice ID

Customer ID



Amount Paid

Last Payment








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Invoice ID

Customer ID



Amount Due






Payment ID



Check No.



 Use customer credit as payment

Debit Account ID (Cash or Bank Account)

Credit Account ID (Accounts Receivable)




  After "checking "the square box under Select on the previous screen, the above final screen returns.

At this point we select the Method by which the Invoice was paid
A) (Cash Check or ZELLE) and
B) enter the data identifying the payment as (CASH or the Ckeck Numer or the ZELLE reference), under Check No.
We will be ready to proceed with the next step of updating the General Ledger Accounts.

A) On the left click on the three dots<...> to select a General Ledger Account to Debit and
then B) on the righ click on the three dots<...> to select an account to Credit (for the entry to balance).
Since we want the this specifc Invoice to show as "paid" in the General Ledger, we select the Accounts Receivable. After this last stpep, the selected (appropriate )account (cash on hand, Checks on Hand or Zelle) will be Incresed (Debited) and the Accounts Receivable account will be decreased (Cretided).

At this point the payment of the the specifc invoice received. That is the General Ledger accounts have been appropriately updated and the Invoice is marked Paid but these entries will not appear in the appropriate Bank check book that was selected in the beginning of this process. That is the Check  It only appears in one of the accounts selected and the A/R is updated.

 In order to complete the received payment transaction and have the Invoice payment show up on the appropriate check book register, the operator must proceed with deposit to bank procedure.

2. Secod Step
In order to make the deposit to the appropriate Checkbook the operator selects the appropriate bank from the Main Menu link Company to Check book Link.  The screen bellow will appear. We click the circle coresponding to the bank we want to make the deposit. the  Make Deposit Deposit link shown bank listed.


 Bank Account Options

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In the screen bellow we entrer the information of the tranfer (Deposit ID description and Memo) and click Next In the returned screen we click on the Add Payment link and from the list of invoices we select the number of the one we eneterd earlier  


Make Deposit > Enter Deposit Information

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Account Number: 11250

Deposit ID


Deposit Description



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