How "U DO IT works as offered from a Management Service

We maintain an In-Office Fault Tolerant Intel Server Computer platfotm, that is dedicated to our Cloud Computing Accounting environment. Thia environment, comprises Windows Server Multi-Hosting Domain with fixed IP address FIOS connection (linked to our dedicated domain name) and integrated to WebSBA® multiuser application. b) The IP address is . WebSBA®, the "Cloud Computing Small Business Accounting Application" is seamless integrated to the WebService "Cloud Computing Small Accounting Software " WebSBA®, the "Cloud Computing Small Business Accounting Application" is seamless integrated to the WebServer. We use ( a "YOU DO IT" Service).
( with "Fixed IP High Speed" Connection to the Internet) and we provide you with User ID and Password to Upload Download and Maintain your own "Access DataBase".


--> The Application Package supports Multiple Accounts with Multiple Users per Account. It includes all basic Accounting Functions and all functions that are available in large Manufacturing Entities (such as Inventory Management, Production Management Bill of Materials
We are hosting our "Domain / Website" and those of clients on this
We are hosting our "Domain / Website" and those of clients on this for convinient access to the "YOU DO IT" Cloud Computing Accounting Service supported by Environment. If you lack Technology Assets, you can host your Domain / website as we do on the aforementioned Environment or another available in-office windows WebServer Multi-Domain hosting environment with seamless integration to WebSBA® as or or or